A Stunning and Memorable 19th MIS Commencement Exercises

Memorable and full of happiness enveloped the senior students of Manado Independent School (MIS) classes of Kinder– 2, grade 6, grade 9, and Grade 12 at the 19th Commencement Exercises held for two consecutive days from June 14-15, 2023 at MIS Auditorium. The hallways and auditorium were beautifully decorated with pictures, flowers, lighting, and landscapes. The atmosphere was filled with joy and happiness from all who attended especially the graduands.

The event began with the singing of the National Anthem—Indonesia Raya, MIS March, MIS Students’ Pledge, and the Opening Prayer. Subsequently, Mark Boris Vodell, Ph.D. delivered an awe-inspiring commencement address that appealed to all graduates not to give up chasing their dreams, and keep believing in God as they travail on their educational journey. 

The program then continued with a remark from one of the parents by Dr. Elvis Sumanti, Ph.D. In his speech, he mentioned how thankful he is to the staff, teachers, administrators, and school board members especially the school director Mr. Billy Kumolontang, MBA for shaping the lives of the students in the best way possible with the guidance of our Almighty God. “We, your parents, are here to witness your success and see your smiles that signify victory. We witnessed your hard work along with sweat and tears in your experiences as learners. Graduates, there are challenges ahead of you, yet don’t be afraid to put the unknown future to the known God. Put your trust in Him and grow daily with prayers and devotions. On behalf of the parents, I would like you to know that we are always here to support you to reach your potential and achieve your ultimate dreams in life by His grace.” Dr. Elvis uttered.

The most awaited part of the program was the official pronouncement of the graduates by the principal of each section. This school year MIS declared a total of 345 graduates from Kindergarten to High School sections. Moreover, students who performed exceptionally in both academics and non-academics were recognized and awarded merit certificates and medals in order to encourage all students to do their best in their studies.

As a valedictorian of grade 6 graduates, Merrilyn Tandow had the opportunity to give the valedictory address. “On behalf of the graduates, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to God, families, administrators, teachers, staff, and friends for your untiring support and love. We have arrived on this significant occasion because of you. As we say goodbye to this chapter, let us welcome the future with open minds, unwavering resolve, and the awareness that we will always be grateful to our God and to all who play significant roles in our academic journey. God bless us all.” Merrilyn stated.

Congratulations to the graduates of 2023! To God be the glory and honor! Your dedication is truly impressive and inspiring. Continue to blaze yourself with the desire to achieve your ultimate aspirations in life and be ready to serve and inspire those who come behind you and emulate your magnificent legacies.

About MIS

Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95371

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