
Enrollment FAQ

MIS offers the following grade level and program:

The grade requirement as of July 1 of the year of enrollment:

  • Nursery                  3 years old
  • K1                           4 Years old
  • K2                           5 years old
  • Grade 1                  6 years old

MIS uses a blended curriculum by integrating the National curriculum with the international curriculum such as A Beka (USA), Cambridge & Oxford (UK).

Prospective students are required to complete the following requirements, to wit:

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Diploma and transcript of records/report book
  3. Transfer letter (for transferee only)
  4. Parent’s identification card (KTP)/passport (both parent)
  5. Family card (KK)
  6. Completed the placement test (English, Math, and aptitude) and interview
  7. Completed the application form and settle the payment

Enrollment starts  on November 1.

You can enroll online at: or come and visit the admission office on:

  1. Sunday & holidays               10:00A.M. – 4:00P.M.
  2. Monday-Friday                     08:00A.M. – 4:30P.M.

Who can be contacted for further details:

Jimmy – 085240729848 

Wulan – 082192454719

Manado Independent School

Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95371

Manado Independent School is the only school in North Sulawesi that is granted with the international school license and permit for all sections by the Ministry of National Education as a school with a collaborative system of education (SPK).

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Visit MIS

Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95377