History and Background
Manado Independent School (MIS), formerly known as Manado International School, is a private Christian institution that provides quality education from ECP (Nursery) to Senior High School (Grade 12).
MIS is the first school in the region recognized for its global educational standard and granted an international school license by the Ministry of National Education. All sections of MIS are accredited by the Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah of Indonesia with an “A” (excellent) classification. The modification of the school name is based on the mandate of the Ministry of National Education Decree No. 31- 2014, which requires all international schools to have a collaborative system of education (SPK-Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama) with reputable learning institutions abroad to augment their existing status and academic program.
Thus, with ID 342, MIS is officially affiliated or has a direct collaborative partnership with Cambridge Assessment International Education and Oxford from United Kingdom.
MIS is one of the few schools granted the license and permit for all levels by the Ministry of National Education as a school with a collaborative system of education (SPK). In its pursuit of excellence, MIS acquired the ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities) accreditation as a Premier Institution.
MIS is located in Kolongan, Tetempangan Sub-urb, North Minahasa region, North Sulawesi Province, which is about 12 km east of Manado and 30 km west of Bitung. Its central location provides easy access to shopping centers and an international airport for students traveling both domestically and internationally to and from Manado.

Contact Information:
Parkville Estate, Parklane Kav. B1-4, Jl. Walanda Maramis,
Kolongan Tetempangan, Kalawat, North Minahasa
North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Admission & Finance
Whatsapp: +62 852-4072-9848 (Jimmy), +62 821-9245-4719 (Wulan), +62 895-804036408 (Sherly)
E-mail : info@mis-mdo.sch.id / admission@mis-mdo.sch.id
Website : http://www.mis-mdo.sch.id
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/theofficial.MIS/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theofficial_mis/
linkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/2726081/ or https://www.linkedin.com/company/manado-international-school
ECP &ES : +62(0431) 7005077/7005099,
MS : +62(0431) 7005097/7005082,
HS : +62(0431) 7005067
Institutional Objectives
In harmony with its vision and mission, MIS has specific objectives. It aims to prepare our young people who, by the time they graduate, shall have:
- Adapted to a lifestyle characterized by kindness, patience, unselfishness, honesty, humility, and love for all people regardless of their nationality, social origin, and religious beliefs.
- Formed habits of critical and constructive thinking resulting in the ability to express ideas effectively. To make sound judgement leading to wise decisions regarding daily problems in life.
- Learned to make wise choices and apply appropriate theoretical knowledge to common issues in life.
- Developed appreciation for literature, music, and the fine arts.
- Learned to observe and practice a balanced program of healthful living.
- Developed respect for the dignity of labor, demonstrated a sense of responsibility, and practiced economy in the use of materials, time, and other resources.
- Manifested qualities of leadership in social and civic activities.
- Developed a high level of competency communicating in English which includes the vital skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- Changed their behavior positively to enhance a lifestyle based on high level moral values.
- Mastered globally accepted knowledge and skills in vital subjects such as IT, Science, and Math.
Status of Accreditation
MIS is a private Christian institution which provides quality education from Nursery (Early Childhood Program) to Grade 12 (High School).
All sections of MIS from kindergarten to high school are accredited by Badan Akreditasi Sekolah Nasional Indonesia, with an “A” (excellent) classification, and have been categorized by the National Education Department as an international school, and have been awarded with an international license since February 20, 2009. (In accordance with Decree no 31, year 2014, issued by the ministry of National Education, Manado Independent School has established a partnership/collaboration with recognized and accredited education institutions and organizations worldwide, and thus become a Collaborative Educational Institution (SPK). This endeavor is also anchored on the school’s initiative to further develop and implement its principles and standard, and enhance its statutes and academic program, hence becoming at par with the world’s benchmark of quality and transformative education. Our trusted partners in this education milestone are: Cambridge International Examination, University of Cambridge, UK and A Beka, Pensacola, Florida, USA.
MIS Logo

It is a triangular shape with an open book and a globe with a flame on top.
gold, dark blue, and maroon
The meaning:
- The book symbolizes the Bible as the foundation of the institution.
- The globe represents the quality of education and diverse nationalities.
- The flame signifies the spirit of MIS.
- The red triangle denotes good influence that impacts positively wherever students may be.
- The blue triangle is symbolic of the relationship with God and others.