We are world-renowned for our impressive faculty and the quality of our instruction.

Ajeng Prasasti
Arts Teacher

Alvin Fabregas
ECP & Elementary School VPSA

Analyn Licayan
Engish Teacher

Andrew Deuda
Chemistry Teacher

Andrey Caridad
English Teacher

Angelica Deuda
Mathematics Teacher

Bahasa Indonesia Teacher

Anneke Mangirang
Assistant Teacher

Berry Havelaar
Chemistry Teacher

Billy Rawis
Biology and Chemistry Teacher

Chahyo Sugianto
Mathematics Teacher

Cloe Nahine
English Teacher

Daniel Sundah
Piano Teacher

Danni Laluyan
Economics Teacher

David Matondang
Craft Teacher

Desje Bushnell
ECP Teacher

Dexter A. Aguda
Mathematics Teacher

Diane Rumais
Civics Teacher

Dimash Sandil
Information Technology Teacher

Eka Marjuanti
Civics Teacher

Eka Prasetya F. T. Mokoginta
Volleyball Teacher

Elaine Aguda
English Teacher

Elyakim Tampa’i
Basketball Teacher

Erasia Putri Kloah
Information Technology Teacher

Estefin Cleogretha Umboh
Sport Teacher
Manado Independent School is the only school in North Sulawesi that is granted with the international school license and permit for all sections by the Ministry of National Education as a school with a collaborative system of education (SPK).

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Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95377