MIS Presents the Talented Virtual Concert

Virtual concert during the pandemic is one way for the students of Manado Independent School (MIS) to keep working by presenting a magnificent stage that has been converted into a glass screen. Full of creativity, MIS Music and Art Department presents the best talents of students in the series of 18th Musical Concert and 6th Art Exhibition 2021 with the theme “Freedom of Art through the Ages” on Thursday, November 25, 2021. The purpose of holding a Virtual Musical Concert and Art Exhibition as a form of support for MIS students who have studied musical instruments, vocals, and painting as their subjects throughout the first semester, then the teachers evaluate student learning achievements at the end of the semester by holding concerts as an event for creativity, honing talents, and developing students’ abilities to be the best when entering the second semester.

One of the coordinators of the Music Department, Novanda Bulu, SE. was very proud of the performance and abilities of his students. He admitted that preparations for the concert had been carried out since mid-September this year. “I myself did not encounter any problems because before starting the exercise,  I asked for a commitment from parents and especially students. The requirement to be able to perform is to be able to be patient and diligent in practicing. This includes providing time to come to school for face-to-face training.” Novanda also asked students to continue practicing to develop a healthy mental attitude. “Students keep trying and don’t give up easily when experiencing difficulties during practice, always have a positive thinking, humble and able to work together with other friends.”

The well-organized MIS Music and Art Department yielded good results. No less exciting than the concerts held face-to-face; The MIS Virtual Concert featured outstanding performances by students such as the MIS Choir, Glee Class, String Ensemble, Instrument Saxophone, Digital Music, Piano, Violin coupled with the beauty of the paintings by MIS students which were incredibly entertaining and stunned the audience at home. Three songs were also selected as winners in the auction, namely the first winner for the title song Leaving on the Jet Plane, 2nd place – Mama, and 3rd place – Eternal Flame. The principal of MIS High School Principal Vijaya Kollabathula, Ph.D, conveyed his gratitude on behalf of MIS. “Even though we are still in a pandemic, MIS music and arts teachers are able to train these students and make the concert a success. Especially to the parents of students who have watched the concert and participated in our MIS song presentation, we sincerely thank you. May God richly bless you”.  Vijay added, this concert was also carried out as a form of fundraising (charity) to help several orphanages such as the Dorkas Tondano Orphanage, Mercyville Remboken Orphanage, Manado Bakti Mulia Orphanage, Bitung Love Language Orphanage, and also people in need  around the MIS school.

About MIS

Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95371

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