MIS Science and Health Club: Planting of Mangrove Trees

Caring for the surrounding environment through environmental conservation is of utmost importance to Manado Independent School (MIS) students, especially when it comes to protecting coastal areas. In this regard, they held a movement to care for mangrove preservation, a crucial element of coastal ecosystems.

On Sunday, November 5, 2023, students from MIS Science and Health Club were given education and invited to carry out a mangrove planting action at Budo Village, Wori. This activity provided them with valuable insights into the significance of mangrove conservation and the opportunity to contribute directly to its preservation.

One of the High School teachers who took part in this activity, Andrew Deuda, BSChem, shared his perspective. He emphasized that planting mangroves at Desa Wisata Budo was not only a fulfilling environmental endeavor but also a delightful experience. He highlighted the vital role mangroves play in coastal ecosystems: “Mangroves play a vital role in coastal ecosystems by stabilizing shorelines, protecting against coastal tides, and providing essential habitat for a myriad of marine species.”

Andrew further explained that by planting mangroves, they were not only helping restore a delicate ecosystem but also contributing to the fight against climate change. Mangrove trees absorb carbon dioxide and act as a natural buffer against the impacts of rising sea levels, making them a crucial component of climate change mitigation strategies.

Karina Mutiara Kristi, a grade 12 MIS High School student, expressed her enjoyment and newfound appreciation for the mangrove planting experience. She described the planting activity as challenging, requiring participants to get inside the mangroves, walk through the mud, and bend down to plant the mangrove seedlings amidst the hip-tall seawater. Despite the challenges, she found it to be a rewarding experience.

Karina emphasized the importance of mangrove trees in preventing abrasion, which can erode land and endanger people living nearby. She recognized the significance of this program in contributing to environmental protection and ensuring a sustainable future. She also mentioned that the mangrove planting activity was attended directly by the Director of BUMDes Budo Village, Mr Hany Lourens Singa, who gave a seminar, and two other seminars were presented by Sir Billy Rawis and Benedict Tjia.

Grade 10 students in the Science and Health Club, such as Kezia Laluyan, Davarel Manik, Ailynn Walean, and Anisa Karim, also had the opportunity to participate in this meaningful activity. They shared the valuable lessons they learned from the experience. They highlighted that mangrove planting made them more aware of the earth’s condition and emphasized the role of mangroves in protecting the environment from abrasion.

The MIS community takes pride in its commitment to making a positive impact on the environment by promoting sustainability and green initiatives. The mangrove planting activity is a testament to their dedication to environmental conservation and their efforts to create a more sustainable future for all.

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Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95371

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