Fitness and Recreation of MIS Intramurals Day

To celebrate the 78th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, all students and teachers of MIS Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and High School held an Intramurals Day on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. The day was filled with various fun and educational activities, including traditional Indonesian competitions such as tug-of-war, sack race, and krupuk eating, as well as more modern sports like basketball, futsal, and volleyball.

Students and teachers were required to wear t-shirts according to the color of their group. Lyneth Tan, a grade 10 student at MIS High School, said that she was particularly interested in the basketball competition because she loves the sport. “My friends and I had a lot of fun competing in the games organized by the S.A. officers,” she said. “Not only did we get to commemorate Indonesia’s Independence Day, but we also got to spend time with our friends and build teamwork. These activities are important for relieving stress and promoting creativity.”

Many prizes were awarded to students and groups who won the various competitions. Overall, everyone had a great time celebrating Indonesia’s Independence Day through fitness and recreation. Merdeka!

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Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95371

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