The 78th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia was commemorated in a solemn and joyous atmosphere by all residents of Manado Independent School (MIS) on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at the MIS soccer field.
Students from every level, from kindergarten to high school, as well as teachers and staff, lined up neatly. The High School Paskibraka Team performed beautifully as they led the flag-raising ceremony. The rhythm of their footsteps, the serene singing of the Indonesian Raya anthem by the MIS student choir team, accompanied by the sounds of kolintang and orchestral music, created a sense of reverence as the flag was raised.
School Board Chairman Mr. Joppi J. Rondonuwu, Ph.D., who was the chief inspector of the ceremony, read a written remark from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim, who took the theme “Terus Melaju Untuk Indonesia Maju” (Moving Forward for a Progressive Indonesia). At the end of the reading, Rondonuwu led all participants in shouting “Merdeka” (Freedom) three times.
Gilmorava Tatemba, a grade 12 student of MIS High School, who was the master of ceremonies for the event, felt the solemnity of the occasion. “I am very proud to have been chosen as the master of ceremonies this year,” he said. “I enjoyed the practice time because everything was very organized and structured from beginning to end. Even though the weather was hot, I felt that it was my obligation as a student to remember the struggles of Indonesian heroes who fought for our independence.”
Gilmorava also prepared himself for the ceremony by getting plenty of rest, talking less, and learning from videos how to conduct ceremonies. He also memorized every part of the ceremony. In a message to his school friends, Gilmorava said, “This country of Indonesia has been independent for 78 years. Let’s contribute to our country by diligently studying in education, sharpening the skills we have, and doing our favorite hobbies. As students, our struggle is to study and get the best grades to make our country and parents proud, Merdeka!”