MIS Students’ Victories in Many Competitions

Brilliant and exceptional are good descriptions for the students of Manado Independent School (MIS) who continually gain a myriad of awards. MIS is extremely happy and proud of the various academic and non-academic achievements they attain.

Recently, Kirsten Glory Rumumpe, 9th grade, was crowned Miss Teen North Sulawesi 2023 on Tuesday, 18th of April. This title qualifies her to represent North Sulawesi at the Miss Teen Indonesia event in November.

Meanwhile, some of Middle and High School students showcased their academic prowess by dominating the championships in the Chemistry and Mathematics Competitions organized by Manado State University (UNIMA).

  • Chemistry Competition
    • Individual
      1st place:   Benedict Tjia
      2nd place:  Eldrick Oroh
      3rd place:   Hervid Mangindaan
    • Group
      1st place:    Benedict Tjia, Eldrick Oroh, and Hervid Mangindaan
      2nd place:   Leticia Lontoh, Jesslyn Widjanarko, and Catherine Tanos
  • Math Competition
    • High School
      1st Place- Series A:        Benedict Tjia and Danielle Kaunang
      The best participant:       Benedict Tjia
    • Middle School
      2nd Place:                       Megan Sumual and Michiko Limanauw
      3rd Place:                        Kezia Laluyan and Reinhard Liester

Benedict Tjia, the top competitor, loves science since elementary years. “Science is always the subject I would be looking forward to in elementary. However, out of all sciences, chemistry was a subject I am really interested in. To most people, it looks very nonsensical and humorous caricature of what scientists actually do, but I am fascinated by it and wants to actually understand what really happens behind the veil of technical jargon and fuming flasks. Hence, in middle school and high school, as the subject science branches-off into three, chemistry always draws my attention, although other branches are interesting as well.” Furthermore, Ben said that “I find it almost magical how we, humans, are able to use scientific methods to understand a world that is far bigger and more complex than our minds can grasp and appreciate. It’s like getting to know God through His wonderful creation because the quality and complexity of each creation show the dexterity and intellect of its Creator. I believe science can also help us to develop and nurture society in the form of technology and the skills required in it such as logical reasoning/analysis and attention to detail are easily transferable and applicable to other fields of linguistics and social sciences.”

Talking about the support and help from MIS, Ben expresses his appreciation to the administrators and teachers. “I cannot understate my gratitude towards the school for guiding me and enhancing my skills and potential. I have to appreciate my teachers who go the extra mile and teach relevant and practical lessons that go beyond the printed materials. They make sure that the students understand the rationale of any theory and often go beyond the book and make sure that we do not only understand the material, but the reasoning behind it and its potential applications in the future. I want to especially thank Sir Berry for his patience and persistence in guiding and training me for the Chemistry Olympiads all these years as well as Sir Sandy, Sir Kinzie, and Ma’am Nancy for their dedication in preparing me in Math Olympiads. In class, we are always encouraged to think outside the box and apply what we have learned in a wider context which is something I appreciate about the A levels. Moreover, the administrators have graciously offered us their support and the time we need to prepare for these competitions.

As he grows up, Ben has the deepest desire and ambition to work in the big data and artificial intelligence (AI) field. Neural Networks, in particular, fascinates him in the way it imitates the way brain works. He believes that they will change human lives in the near future.

Therefore, Ben encourages all her friends to keep doing their passion and reaching their dreams. He believes that to be successful, persistence and hard work are essential factors. Above all, trusting in the Lord is the most important key to everyone’s achievements. “So, my final advice to all the students is, don’t be afraid. Explore and discover your passion. Failures may come your way, but they are important stepping stones and motivations that will help you develop a strong character and a brilliant mind. Excellence does not happen overnight. Remember this quote from a famous Greek Philosopher, Aristotle: ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’” Ben concluded.

About MIS

Jl. Walanda Maramis, Kolongan, Kec. Kalawat, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara 95371

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