In order to improve the knowledge, abilities, and competencies of all the employees of Manado Independent School (MIS), “In-Service Training Program” was conducted for all teachers and staff on January 9-10, 2023. MIS endeavors to give quality education and service to all students, therefore, training and workshops are usually conducted every semester. The theme choses was “Motivation Booster.” This program aims to provide all employees with various knowledge and equip them with skills in order to increase enthusiasm, commitment, and productivity.
The resource speakers for the teachers were Kham Khan Khai, Ed.D. and Joppi J.Rondonuwu, Ph.D. with the following topics: Educators as Role Models, Back to the Basics, and Self-care not an Indulgence. Furthermore, MIS Director, Mr. Billy Kumolontang, MBA conducted a seminar for non-teaching staff on “Five Important Things to Remember at Work.” In addition, a significant and historical event occurred— the hand-over ceremony of the chairmanship from Prof. Daniel C. Kambey, Ph.D. to Joppi Rondonuwu, Ph.D. as the new chairman of MIS school board.
Manado Independent School hopes that the two-day seminars benefit all the employees to be more motivated and dedicated in serving this institution in pursuance of providing students an enhanced quality service and education for the glory of God’s name.