The Worldwide Universities Participated during the MIS 8th Annual Career Fest

The pandemic period did not stop the enthusiasm of Manado Independent School (MIS) to hold a flagship program that is always in demand by the 12th grade MIS High School students, namely the MIS Career Fest which was held on Thursday, October 28 – Friday, October 29, 2021. The said annual program was conducted virtually. The principal of MIS High School, Vijaya Kollabathula, Ph.D said that the school really supports senior class students by packaging the MIS Career Fest program. The purpose of this program is to provide insight, clear direction, and facilitate students with important information that will be used to choose the right educational institution for higher education and also for their future careers.

MIS Applies Flexible Learning System after School Reopening

Being able return to school to carry out teaching and learning activities is a happy moment. The existence of policies from the regional government and seeing the decrease of Covid-19 patients have made it possible for some schools to run face-to-face learning. This was also done by Manado Independent School (MIS) which on Wednesday, 6 October 2021 started again the teaching and learning activities from school. Continuing to provide a full-fledged education is MIS’ top priority for its students; this is proven by the implementation of the Flexible Learning System (FLS) practiced by MIS. FLS is a learning method where students can choose between two modes of learning either directly at school or studying from home (virtual); when students choose to attend lessons at school, the teachers only focus on those in the classroom, and for students who choose to attend classes through the virtual platform (Google Meet), the teachers also only focus on them. Each student is given a week to follow a grace period if students wish to change their choice; if students want to change their learning method then students are asked to fill the changes Learning Form Mode, and it should be noted that students can change their learning mode only once in a semester with the approval of the school administrator.